chop all of the meat and put it in de pot. den turn it to one fifty degreezz and we will let dat sit for a bit. den we eat.

|-| |. ( /\ |\| Y0|_| |- [- /\ |] -|- |-| | S ? translated: Hi. Can you read this?

you don't wanna know anything (about us)

Who be we? We be three. Three be us. Us be we. Who be we? We be... Moe, Llama, and Corina

And we are awesome. And we are saucers. And we are saucome. And you are jealous.

And this, is Mr. Banana.

Dear Reader,

I am Mr. Banana. I love you very much. You love me very much. But, you are jealous. And so you stop loving me. So I stop loving you. Then you are sad. So you start loving me again. And you try to be like me. But you f a i l. Epic-ly. So then you stop loving me. And I am confused so I move to Brazil. Then you are mad so you move to Brazil. nd then I think you are a stalker. And then I move to Canada. And then you move to Canada. And then I think you are definetly a stalker. So then I move to a grocery store. AND YOU CAN'T FIND ME!!!!! HAHAHAHAAHAHA!!!!! MUA HAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHA MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! MUAHAHAHAH HAHAH AHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!

Love  Hate Love Hate, Mr. Banana

This is a Peeker. He likes saying OOOoooOOOOOOoo!

Yogourt. Is. Fun. To. Eat. Just. Like. You. Yes. I. Said. You. That. Would. Be. Because. I. Will. Eat. You. Because. I. Am. A. Robot. And. I. Have. A. Robot. Army.

purple. yurple. churple. gurple. lurple. shurple. turple.

yeppers. peppers. ketupers. leppers. teppers. gepers.


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